About Us

The greatest key to personal development is your commitment to show up TODAY.

That's why today is your BIG day. It's your opportunity to overcome obstacles and turn personal development into personal achievement! It takes the commitment of a warrior to work on yourself daily. But be encouraged – you don't have to walk the road alone. As the ultimate life coaching resource for all 8 Areas of your life, The Big Day is here to help you succeed!

Why Is Today The Big Day?

With the occasional exception, people treat each day like it’s just a normal day. But it’s not.

Today is an important day. That paradigm shift is huge. If we focus on today, then we won’t get stuck in yesterday or be intimidated about tomorrow. That’s why today is our big day. It’s our opportunity to shape (or re-shape) our future and make it full of excellence, fulfillment, purpose, meaning, and even legacy.

Personal Development And Successful Leaders

This kind of success starts with doing the small things right today. We cannot underestimate the power of consistently unlocking the hidden potential of each day. One of the major ways we do this is by re-training our thinking and aligning ourselves with the wisdom of God. It’s vital to remember that small, daily improvements will turn into life transformations.

Making these “minor” adjustments on a consistent basis makes you a leader of YOU, let alone a better leader of others. True leaders are people who work to improve themselves. Successful leaders raise the bar of excellence by regularly making the decision to bring their A-Game and to diligently invest into every area of their lives.

And what happens if we miss the mark? Well, the good news is that we don’t play nine-inning games, and then it’s game-over. We play until we win! Each new day is our opportunity to practice, grow, and get better. Each day is the big day to make a change.

What Is The Big Day?

The Big Day is a virtual life coach and resource platform that exists to provide you with a path for growing in the wisdom of God, being led by the Spirit of God, and developing your faith. We offer tools, insights, strategies, and principles—such as the “8 Areas” and the “11 Cornerstones”—to help you re-train your thinking, maximize your ability to win big in both the natural and the spiritual, and live life to the fullest in every way.

Free Resources For Your Own Personal Development

  • Tune in to our radio program, "The Radio Coffee House Chatroom"
  • Sign up to receive our FREE 90-Day Goal Planning strategy via email (this makes goal planning easy and effective, today and in the long run!)
  • Sign up for text messages! (USA numbers only. Standard messaging rates apply. Totally worth it.)
  • Subscribe to our Blog and get notifications of new life tips and insight conveniently in your inbox!
  • Have questions about how to succeed in your personal development? Drop us a line and let us know.

Need a book on personal development?

Don't wait to order your copy of "The Big Day" on Amazon today!


Robert W. Whipple

Team Captain and Founder of The Big Day®

Nancy Whipple

Support Manager,  also known as "Nurse Nancy".

Jill Blue

General Manager of Operations. Super Encourager.

Yvonne Avila

Digital Marketing Manager and graphic artist. The Social Butterfly.

Heather Jeane

Creative Director. Writer, editor, web designer, and also known as "Mission Control".



Coach. Business Owner. Public Speaker. Author. TCU Fan. Life Enthusiast.

Robert Whipple is both the Vice President of Operations and Training, and the owner of multiple franchises for one of the largest home improvement companies in Texas. He is involved in many non-profit ventures, and he is currently on the Board of Directors of the TCU Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Robert Whipple also has more than 30 years of experience in leading and coaching numerous teams and individuals in business as well as life. As a public speaker, Robert has addressed groups such as civic organizations, city chambers, business clubs, and churches. He is well known for his like-ability, his “never-been-better” attitude, his openness to new concepts and ideas from team members, and the way he constantly works to improve himself and encourages others to do the same. Not to mention--but we will--one of his favorite past-times is riding his motorcycle.

Robert and his wife, Nancy, reside in Fort Worth, Texas and have been happily married for over 40 years.

Robert W. Whipple

As founder of The Big Day, his passion is to create a culture of leaders who are successful physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He possesses both the motivation and the expertise to see others win big in every area of their lives.