14 Ways to Practice Walking in the Wisdom of God

Walking in the wisdom of God is not automatic. Wisdom does not just fall on you. The Bible says to "get wisdom." It's an invitation for all of us, and that's why you can practice getting the wisdom of God every single day. In this post, we'll talk about wisdom and the top 14 ways to practice walking in the wisdom of God!

The Wisdom of God

The Spirit of Wisdom is an attribute of God. In other words, it's a part of His nature. Much like heat is part of the nature of fire, and it results in a change in the nature of whatever the fire burns, so the wisdom of God is part of His nature, and it changes the nature of the person who walks in it. Your old mindsets, thoughts, attitudes, and habits burn away, and all these become refined in the spiritual fire of His wisdom.

Just like gold refined in a fire, you become a completely different (and much better) person when you walk in the wisdom of God. In fact, it's an irreplaceable component of becoming the best version of you! Why? The wisdom of God is a path that always – and I repeat, always – leads to abundant life. The more you've been changed by and walk in His wisdom, the more abundance you'll experience in your life. And you are at your best when your life is abundant! The effect of wisdom (which is more precious than gold!) includes joy, contentment, prosperity, and even favor. If that's the case, who wouldn't want to practice walking in the wisdom of God?

Practice Walking in the Wisdom of God

It's great knowing the fruit of walking in the wisdom of God, but how do you actually make it happen in everyday life? Some of us mistakenly believe that the "wisdom of God" is a super-spiritual reality, and one a little too lofty to attain. After all, we may see ourselves more down-to-earth than this spiritual attribute would allow us to be. In that case, it seems too complicated to achieve. But the wisdom of God is one of the most practical tools for experiencing personal success, fulfillment, and purpose. And it's pretty easy! So, where do we start?

If we're going to see the fruit of wisdom in our lives, then we first need to value the wisdom of God. Whatever we value, we will attract more of in our lives. As much as you value it, ask God for it, since He is both the Source and the (generous) Giver of wisdom. We can then begin to practice walking in the wisdom of God by learning to be led by the Spirit of God and developing our faith.

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Practical Wisdom for Today

What does wisdom look like in our day-to-day lives? Below you will find 14 points from the "Wisdom Checklist" found in our book, The Big Day. Practice walking in the wisdom of God by intentionally disciplining yourself to live out these 14 points. The operative words here are "intentionally disciplining yourself." God generously gives His wisdom to those who ask, but we still need to steward what we've been given. And sometimes that takes a determination on our part! Wisdom can also seem more like common sense than a spiritual gift, but that just goes to show how practical wisdom truly is. Don't take it for granted that these principles will directly increase your quality of life. Study and memorize them to maximize their effectiveness.

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14 Ways to Practice Walking in the Wisdom of God

  1. See yourself as a wise person making wise and prudent choices.
  2. Practice implementing wisdom in your speech; be careful about what you say.
  3. Never move forward with a decision based only on how good something looks.
  4. Don't focus on or be consumed by things over which you have no control, especially people.
  5. Be grateful for what you've been given.
  6. Understand that the beginning is the most important part of any endeavor. Spend the amount of time that is necessary for proper preparation.
  7. Focus on today with an understanding of the future.
  8. Align yourself with great people and groups.
  9. When you face a problem, call it an opportunity and handle it with calmness and peace.
  10. Be careful of what you consume in your body.
  11. Follow effective time-management principles with a plan for all 8 Areas of your life.
  12. Be accountable and hold your team accountable.
  13. See the best in people; refuse to be critical.
  14. Have a great exercise regimen, including two cardio and two core exercises per week.

Ready for more? Learn how to practice walking in the wisdom of God by developing your Mental Success >>

Learn More About Wisdom

The Big Day is your personal life coach when it comes to walking in the wisdom of God practically. Don't settle for less than the best – get wisdom!